Draxi #8
I've got a sweet story to share with you today!
It's about this conversation I had with a grasshopper, yes a grasshopper. I guess he was extremely bored one day and had come to me for advice, knowing I would give his the much needed inspiration he needed.
So he proceeded to explain his predicament. He started off by saying, " Finding activities to do have become such a chore. Digging, chirping and playing night time lullabies have become such a repetitive thing. They all feel like such a job. So, I thought of you my Draxi friend, you are always full of ideas, like a book."
With my kind eye, the middle one, I gazed into his beady eyes and replied, "Oh no! I never like hearing about someone being bored. Let's see what I can do to change up the daily routine." PERSPECTIVE! I yelled with enthusiasm, that's the name of the game. I continued my long and drawn out suggestions with much intent and focus. "Instead of digging just a hole, maybe create a silly shape with a stick. When chirping, change up the melody. At night, make your lullabies a duet.
Might I also suggest finding a different area to serenade, rearrange the music choices or simply face another direction."
Mr. Grasshopper stood in awe, a moment later he gave me a huge grin and happily shared his new found enthusiasm for his upcoming night. "Those are such wonderful ideas, I knew you could help me feel better and see playful options to my boredom." Shall I play you a song, which song would you like to hear?
With much delight I declined and explained I'm more of a heavy metal fan.
So, at the end of the day we can all benefit from seeing through the eyes of Draxi. What would you love to hear while creating your beauty in the world?
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